Re: Answer: Why have parasites not been a problem in the past
WOW this
parasite -candida thing has really grown into a topic! I have not been on this site in a while.
There were a couple of questions I should answer, I was asked how I know it was candida. Yes I have had problems since I was a child, as I was heavily medicated on
Antibiotics as a child with alot of surguries. In the last 6 years I have dealt with on going Yeast infections, and fungal infections also. I did a candida Cleanse with Bentonite, and caprilyic acid which also created rashes, till i discontinued and followed a strict diet for quite a few months, and while it calmed down, it never went away.
During the fast I outbroke in rashes in my chest, face, and neck, and my ears were sooo itchy also. However my yeast and fungal issues cleared up.And now that I am back on food, my rash on my chest has not returned! this is a good thing!
The naturapath told me to stay away from fruit, however, I had already bought watermellon and did not care what she said. I ate a few peices of melon. and the next day some apples. I noticed traces of fungas around my vagina area right away.
God I can not beleive I am talking about this!LOL!
Okay, SO then I had my first bowel movement. And around the stool was thick white mucus like film all around it, and lumps of white came out with it also. This could also be "healing Threads" as the yeast Die OFF. However, since then, I have noticed white clumpy discharche from my vagina again,and unfortunately Iam having trouble with bowel movements. I went to the doctor who has just assigned me to have a series of tests. Including parasites. This is probably what is causing me to be constipated, as I am haveing a hard time with the idea of having a BM in saran WRAP and putting it in a jar. This is really more then I bargained for!
I just went to the dentist for the first time in 12 years,(finally got dental insurance) and the first thing he asked was if i had an acid stomach because I had acid marks all over my teeth! He asked me to go to the doctor to see if it's acid Reflux.
YEs I regret reading anything about this
parasite thing also! Ifeel like I ve become insane! Everytime I have a twitch or something I think OMG is it a parasite!?
I really want to get this craziness finished now, so I can just figure out what the issues are with my stomach, and heal, and just have a somewhat normal life! And eat normal food!
I have been eating mostley raw foods, and continue to eat raw despite what i've been told, just because, I feel better when I eat raw foods. I am going by that till I can find out the root of this issue.
What's so funny is I keep laughing, even though I am so frustrated, it's like I know this is ridiculous, this whole
parasite thing, yet, I can't seem to let it go! So I just have to give myself the proper closure, get tested, and if tested negative, I will probably be stubborn enough to still go out and get a parasite cleanse anyways!
This is insane! But some how it's gotten into me!