on the topic of candida and parasites, i have no idea what the truth is, but i have something interesting to report (and i don't even know what this means, but i find it interesting none-the-less)...
as i mentioned before, i've never done a parasite cleanse, BUT, after my first fast (seven days with only water) i reported in my blog that my first bowel movement after breaking my fast had this weird rope-like stuff in it! i compared it to shoe-laces. at the time i had no idea what this stuff was, and that was the one and only time i saw it. and nothing like that happened after my 20 day fast. it's impossible to know whether it was parasites or impacted fecal matter or WHAT because (obviously) no scientific tests were done. but it remains to be said that i am living proof that the rope-like fecal matter is not necessarily caused by the "stuff" in parasite cleanses.