Alcoholism a Treatable Nutritional Disease
Most people believe that addiction - such as alcoholism - is a "mental" illness, that can be overcome by 1) abstaining from alcohol and 2) by a persuasive talk therapy convincing the person that his addiction is really a sign of a weakness in his personality and that he can "will" away his craving for alcohol or other drug of addiction. All he has to do to change his ways of thinking!!!
This is typically the psychosomatic model of human behaviour, that proclaims that all our human mental suffering is due to our inner irrationality and illogical thoughts that CAUSES us to be addicted!!
This kind of superstition pervades the mental health industry and is mainly responsible for the dismal failure rate in the treatment of "mental" illness. Hospitals for the mentally ill have now been replaced with prisons, where we find most of our mentally ill people locked up and hidden away- out of sight and out of mind. 75 percent of the prison population suffer from a addiction as a comorbid condition to their offences. Add to this an other proportion of no-addictive illnesses and we have quite a population. They are locked up in "correctional institutions" which is a euphemism for jails no more no less. Some of these unfortunate people may face the death penalty as their final "treatment" as in backward USA. And because the experts in the field of "mental health" have no clues as to how to treat addicts we find inmates returning to jails not long after their initial release into the community again. It is called RECIDIVISM an other term for "treatment failure" at a tremendous tax-payers cost to the community. At least the system allows members of the health industry to pay off their mortgages and lead a "normal" and respectable lives.
Yet, treatment for alcoholism, addictions as well as many other forms of "mental illness" can be treated, when we come to realize that "mental illness" does not exist, but is simply due to a physiological illness, treatable not by drugs but by a combination of nutrition and some psychotherapy.
Please read:
Alcoholism (Addiction) is a Treatable Disease at: