hello everyone ive yet to find a soul on the earth save antidotal stories from people selling there zappers and othe supplements im searching far and wide to see if you or anyone you know was cured of aids or hep c with either a beck pulsar or a clark zapper???? or with anything else for that matter, yes ?no? anyone ? any way ill give you some hope in 1996 i had herpes id had it for say from around 82 every three months id have a nice outbreak about 7 8 blisters circled up it would go away in 2 weeks i lived like this for a long time. any way i went to the health food store was showen and bought the book cuer for all deseases by miss clark well that was in 96 so i made friends with the lady at the health food store and she turned me on to her connection for a Hulda Clark zapper i paid 50 bucks for it still wish i had it got swiped in 2000 thats anouther story, any way i had an out break on my foerskin area as usual instead of holding the copper rods as the book said holding them in your hands i laid one right on my herpes sore and stuck the other in my mouth you can feel the current at both ends where the herps sore blisters were broken and the current stung it but i was desperate so i hung in there and much to my surprise it healed up in less than three days one month later i had anouther out break but this time i only had one blister normal size instead of the 7 or 8 so i popped it, did the same thing again one in my mouth and one on my soer using my legs to hold it tight well that was the last time ive ever had an out break that was in 96 so im proclaimming im cuered now i got hep c and im really sick im 44 got a new wife and one littel one, and one on the way so i need to be healthy for the family ive begun to miss work so i would implore anyone who has been cured of hep c or aids please tell me your or there story i dont want to here some snake oil salesmens stories i want real people who come here or you know.