Re: for jab
Hi Tom,
Proof of efficacy comes from testing against a control,
or, before and after treatment tests done by an independent accredited Blood laboratory or Microbial Testing Facility, NATA accredited.
I do this for any the work I do in the food Industry.
someones word, no matter what their credentials is not acceptable.
They must be available for viewing if you make your claims public.
There are plenty of the same surfacing now proving
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement did nothing, the FAIL OFFICER Adam Abraham can vouch for this. An
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement user has asked to be put in contact with one/just one person who has been cured by
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement , and can prove it, but still not one put forward.
Placebo tests are done for this exact reason, the human mind can cure the ailment if it believes enough.