Let me guess - the other 17% of the time you are around Vulcanel?
You know, it strikes me that you and V may have a lot you could teach and share with me. I came to CZ to learn and share, and I have done a lot of both. And I still have a lot I would like to share and learn. I would like to know a lot more about iodine, for example. And I would like to perhaps share with you and V what I know about cancer and particularly what I know about oleander. Like Iodine, oleander is highly toxic in some forms - yet when properly prepared it is very magical.
May I suggest taking a look at the articles page on my website http://www.tbyil.articles.htm and in particular taking a look at Modern Medicine versus Nature in Treating Cancer, A Natural Anti Cancer Protocol (it includes iodine, btw), and the entire Oleander series.
I would welcome an informative article on iodine.
Iodine appears to be have done wonders for many folks, including my special partner Luella - and I began taking it daily myself two weeks ago, along with some very special water (can you say energized living water imprinted with Rife frequencies along with colloidal gold and silver, and verified with advanced Kirlian photography?).
It is still early, but, after an initial Herxheimer effect, I seem to feel better overall, I have a sense that my fatty liver is getting better too, and for sure I am sleeping better at night than I have in awhile. I also seem to have a few teenage pimples? What's up with that? I thought those disappeared when you got older. That or else migrated to your butt . . . .