16 y
Re: "Chemtrails Health Hazards Support Forum"
Absolutely. Chemtrails are just the tip of the iceberg IMO.
However they are extremely dangerous from what I've been reading/seeing.
They've poisoned our bread (which, personally I think bread is bad for you anyway) with Bromine while removing the vitail Iodine.
They've poisoned our water with fluoride under false pretenses...outright lies.
They've poisoned our milk by pasteurization and removing the
Iodine we once put in it.
And now they're purposely poisoning our air.
95 percent of everything we come into contact with, IMO, now is poisonous in some way. Even organic fruits and veggies may not actually be organic. Notice the U.S. gov't regulates what can be called organic?
I've also read that the people running the New World Order show want to make the distribution, selling and ingesting of vitamin/mineral supplements ILLEGAL.
That means taking
Iodine as I do would be an impossibility.
A forum on chemtrails should definitely be added.