Sorry, I didn't finish my thought, and my daughter pressed a key and it sent...What I was getting to was the whole back and forth good day bad day (or week)thing. My husband asked me if it was just maybe pms, and I don't even know anymore. I never had pms before, but then again I've had 3 kids in a row with breastfeeding in between, so I haven't had a "real period" in years. But, I also never had reactions to the horomonal birth controll in the past, either, and look what the mirena did to me now. What I can't stand the most is the fact that I'm constantly questioning myself and how I feel, physically and emotionally. Sorry I'm going off on a tangent here, but what I think I'm trying to say is that maybe the Mirena gave you pms? Maybe that is what might happen now before your period. I wonder if anyone has noticed long term pms from the mirena. Good luck, I hope you feel better and keep us posted