Re: A good reason NOT to drink diet soda!
You say...
"Diet soda is NOT a diet product! It is a chemically altered, multiple SODIUM (salt) and
Aspartame containing product that actually makes you crave carbohydrates."
There are the words that explain why any company would include such a poison in any product, "...Makes you crave..." ...Not only carbohydrates, but ANYTHING with aspatame in or on it.
People have a hard time believing that any substance could MAKE a person give up free will, and automatically reach for the substance, without realizing what they are doing.
Everything I've read on the subject suggests that is exactly what is happening.
When you speak of the "Aspartame pie" aren't you saying that there is a 'guarantee' of high sales, and profits, for any manufacturer or producer who can figure a way to get that substance into or onto his product?
...Perhaps that he can charge any amount he wishes, and the number of sales will still increase?
It would be so simple to prove the ability of
Aspartame (by any name, such as MSG, or some kind of 'vegetable protein') to bend our wills.
I suggest that those demonstrations will be the turning point in public understanding and condemnation of the use of Aspartame...or any other similar substance.
Show the reason why any company would add this, to profit, and we will aid humanity.
How do animals/pets react to Aspertame? If a person's own pet follows the same reaction as expected...for it, or against...the pet-owner couldn't help but be convinced.
The same would hold true for parents and their children.
I admire your speaking out, Donn.
My best,