Grains kill
The myth that "whole grains" are good for you is akin to the dairy
industry propaganda that milk is good for teens and adults. It simply
isn't so. Even whole grains lead to diabetes and a host of other ills.
Our bodies were not designed for grains. They were designed for the
hunter gatherer diet which was primarily meat and vegetables such as fruit,
tubers, and nuts. (Even many human developed vegetables such as squash and
pumpkins are not found in nature.) The Egyptians were on the American
Heart Association diet of whole grains and low fat and by studying their mummies
it has been found that they had atherosclerosis (heart disease) and a host of
other problems.
If you read "The Seven Daughters of Eve" by Bryan Sykes (an eminent
geneticist), you will find that the human body changed with the advent of
agriculture 10-12,000 years ago. Prior to agriculture a woman couldn't
conceive during lactation which lasted from 3 - 5 years and this fact kept the
human population at a low level. With the introduction of agriculture and
the high carbohydrate diet (no refined flour, no sugar), it changed women's
bodies and lactation no longer prevented ovulation. Women were now able to
conceive immediately after birth. This is why you will find the population
expanding with the onset of of agriculture.
I've been on the McDougall diet, and all that it got me was fat and
diabetes. I have a relative who is vegetarian who after months of
persuasion I convinced to eliminate all grains from her diet because of allergy
skin conditions. She did that and even though she was not overweight, lost
10 pounds within a week and her skin conditions improved dramatically, with
doing nothing but eliminating grains. After a few weeks she went on
vacation and reverted to bread and the weight and skin conditions came
back. She is still trying to get off of grains.
Here is just one excellent link to the problems with grain - published in Britain
because our American grain farmers are so tied into government pork that it is
difficult to get good evaluations here in the U. S. (You can also check
out the "No Grain Diet" by Joseph Mercola and find much of the same
Here is just a portion of the article:
Updated October 2007
Grains are a common cause of symptoms, possibly because from an evolutionary
point of view they have only recently been introduced into the diet of Homo
Sapiens, partly because grains are so widely eaten and people tend to sensitise
to foods eaten most often. At a recent medical meeting that I attended, the
problems of wheat were discussed at length. I came to the view that wheat and
related grains are a problem to eat for many reasons and perhaps as a Nation we
should be avoiding them! The main problems arise for several possible reasons.
a) High glycaemic index.
b) Common cause of problems associated with allergy such as fatigue, IBS,
migraine, depression, skin disorders, asthma and "candida".
c) They contain lectins - see Lectins - Natural Toxins found in some
grains and some vegetables
d) They contain endogenous opiate mimics which may be a problem in
susceptibles eg autistics.
e) Most are grown with pesticides and have high levels.
f) Bran is high in phytic acid which binds and inhibits absorption of
minerals such as iron and zinc.
g) They are shallow rooting annual plants, often grown year in, year out on
the same patch of land. They are markedly deficient in trace elements.
Grains are a major source of carbohydrate and so cause all the problems of
eating food with high glycaemic index. Please refer to Hypoglycaemia - Not
just about diet and Hypoglycaemia - low blood sugar - a major problem for
many people! They are digested in the gut to form sugars which may worsen a
hypoglycaemic tendency or feed a yeast overgrowth. There is also a theory that
wheat protein (gluten) is digested into short chain proteins which have
endogenous opiate like effects (endorphines) and this upsets normal brain
chemistry making one lethargic and slow.