sheldon, just wanted to give all a quick update. It's been all good these past few weeks my stool form is still excellent and no problems whatsoever there. I am however - as far as i can see it - completely in remission of the disease, however every now and then - a couple of times a week i will ocassionally get sharp acute abdominal pain.. I find this weird because there does not seem, through trial and error to be a single or even various foods that are causing this reaction. It is just completely random and happens about 5 minutes after eating the food. like yesterday it was painful the second i ate a small amount of brocoli, today fish caused the pain, but the brocoli was fine... I really don't understand what is going don't think it could be a problem with the stomach do you?? I mean do you ever experience really bad pains - but then at the same time have really good stool form?? this is what i am getting....bad bad pains, but my stool never seems to go bad at all in realtion to this.... it has no effect!! even on the asacol i had these bad pains... please help!! i really want to end this misery!! do you think digestive enzyme supplements could help?