Irregular Heartbeat – Humaworm: Day 23
I woke up this morning to a steady 75-80 bpm. It has been steady and uninterrupted all day. Post workout, it quickly returned to that normal level. No pounding, no skips.
I’ve always, from time to time, skipped a beat or had strong sustained thumping, but, my perception is that the frequency seemed to have increased since starting Humaworm. Whether I was just looking for a reaction and I just noticed it more or something was actually triggered by Humaworm, I don’t know. (I suppose one could have an allergic reaction to a cumulative build up of the herbs in the formula.) But, as I said, it seems for the last few weeks, there has been a lot more frequency of these disturbing episodes. It has been suggested, even by myself, that it could just be an electrolyte imbalance, and I have been doing non-conventional dieting, including a lot of enemas and SWFs which run my eliminations clear. It was suggested I needed more potassium and magnesium, or needed more hydration, so I starting taking Black Strap Mollasses in the morning and adding a pinch of ES and
Seasalt to my juice, and drinking more water, but that didn’t seem to have any effect at all.
Now, to the purpose of this post. Yesterday was off the charts, beyond anything of the last couple of weeks or anything else I had experienced before. I woke up with a thumping, skipping, erratic heartbeat. Only an accelerated rate from exercise kept it regular, but it returned to it’s chaotic nature as the beat slowed down. Some moments were intensively percussive. One episode had my heart racing to 160 bpm for no reason. I was talking to a friend on the phone, telling her all this, she wanted me to go to the emergency room. I wasn’t at that point. Nothing hurt, I was never dizzy. At worst, I felt a caffeine type jitteriness and just heightened anxiety from the chaotic ryhthym. In the evening I tried to relax with a hot shower, but trying to sit calmly afterward, just made it worse, but it was, never-the-less, disturbing, Around midnight, I just tried slow deep breathing and meditation and that seemed to help and by the time I actually went to bed things seemed to had calmed down.
So, what happened? Was this a threshhold crossing of Humaworm. Was this a parasitic gunfight at the OK Corral.. Night and day from yesterday. Still after 23 days, the only visible evidence has only been one lonely “tomato skin” which I saw about a week ago.
(I am cross posting this in the Ask Humaworm forum)