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House passes Thought-crime Bill
Ohfor07 Views: 1,226
Published: 17 y

House passes Thought-crime Bill

Since the conventional msm outlets, newspapers and other protectors of the public trust are (and have been, no doubt) already on the ball,  rapidly reporting to you in full detail since it's passage in the house,  by way of comprehensive information and in-depth lay explanations of the intended impact of this measure, no links are being referred to here ;) 

The short version is 404 house members recently approved HR 1955  ....404, which is to say, plenty of corrupted suits & skirts.....that's ample bi-partisan support from both sides of the isle...... which is to say, no matter if you are want to be blue or red, in this instance,  both are distinctly applicable. The sound-byte label that has been attached to this bill for easy public consumption of this otherwise complex legislative stuff too heady for the average American head to get wrapped around is - Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007. 

This bill now goes on to the Senate. Translation? Until that time, consider that this may be the last time you the people can "legally" think....ponder....contemplate such heady topics. Why? Mainly becaue if and and when the Senate passes this bill, it is likely to be rushed for signature by the village idiot presently occupying the good people's oval office, after which it is likely to then be deemed "illegal" to have such thoughts.... so, for any of you good people ever had any thoughts of ever having any thoughts, now is the time to do that. As soon as one of W's aides walks him through the steps of applying his scrawl to this legislation, at that point, techinically, it becomes "law".  



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