I couldn't agree with you more. If you use the Bible as a roadmap then it leads off of a cliff but if you use it as a stepping stone, and make a leap of loving kindness...then you have arrived...as far as I am concerned. I am always afraid to send seekers to any particular religion because there are so many wolves....in sheeps clothing in them... There are great teachers in most every religion but I hate it when the tee vee teachers tell you about a loving God then says, "Now go find you a bible believing church." That is such a ridiculous thing to say. Find God who is love and keep in constant communication with her should be next step... If you find others doing the same then great.... If not it is better to pray in private than just go to any ole' so called Bible Believing church. I have walked out of so many of those places
that say they are that but the tounges of so many of their orators are hiss with hate... I would tell folks to sit in the back if you must go but if you discern the least little bit of hate...then make sure there are no snares between you and the door a run...as fast as you can out of there....