It amazes me,as I was in the ministry most of my life,that each church group thinks that they are Right,Gods happy with them,and every one that thinks different from them is wrong/bad.That thinking is so toxic,It greeves me to see or be around it.If the first parents walked around today,What grrrrrrrrrrrrreat grandbaby would they Hug or Slap.Love or Hate,Take are Leave.Did the savior come or not. Or are we the true savior.I propose that we can not save anything.We needed what he gave,and im thankful for that.He saves us from ourselves/our humanmind daily if we know how to hear him speak.My sheep know my Voice.Its his Voice that dweels in me that directs me into Truth for my life.His voice is Love.I know he really wants us to stop arguing,and get along with each other.But it seems that we cant get over the first hurdle,much less anything beyond that.Steven