17 y
Re: Why have any iodine forums?
The VWT forum is a private forum and can essentially do what it wants. It is similar to the other private forums - barefoot, moreless, humaworm, Dr. Hardy etc. Everyone has the right to their own opinion about how useful each is or whether they agree with the general message, but the long and short is that they have the right to give opinions/advice as they see fit. That is why the other
Iodine forum was created, as an alternative to VWT. The
Iodine forums are popular enough that if you put them in the mineral forum then posts about other minerals would probably get lost in the mix. I agree with you about the clutter in the VWT forum, but as long as they can tolerate it then who am i to say different. That is what the R,RR,RRR,RN and
BSA posts are for. Just click on those and you can get the most valuable posts for their philosophy. If you disagree with that philosophy then click on the rated posts for the other
Iodine forum. If you want to debate then go to the iodine debate forum. I personally don't see many problems with this type of system, although others seem to dislike it.