I have no health insurance. I had some before I got sick. But the premium went up to $800 per month because my heart was fluttering. I saw a doctor and he had me wear a heart monitor for 24 hours. He said he could hear a small abnormality, but it wasn't anything dangerous. My health insurance premium went up from $200 per month to $800 per month for this insignificant finding. I couldn't afford it any more and let it go. So when my warts and moles started itching and I thought I had malignant melanoma, I was on my own. I got that under control with bloodroot and my heart started fluttering several times a day and making me dizzy. Newport kept encouraging me to try Iodine. I looked up Iodine deficiency symptoms and irregular heart beat was on the list. I ordered it immediately. The fluttering sensation in my heart stopped when I started taking Iodine and it has not returned.