Thanks for the support Peggyaus,
I got my tri plex herbs today and God If I was allowed to take more than is allowed the God I would but I am going to be good and do it as and when its says. I am expeianceing horrible things at the moment. Like a big plastic rod is in my head flexing and bending and stinging on the end.. I sometimes feel like my entire skull is going to b lifted off.Please say these are syptoms of this monster going away. I am justso scared of blacking out and never waking up... Not the best thing when I have 2 kids in the house under the age of 8..altho the older one knows the police and ambulance and dads number is on the fridge. I used to run and jump every where and now I move really slowly as I am afriad somthing will hit somthin else and my head will blow up. Thanks Peggyaus for sharing your experiances.. I hope you are going well and free of the little blighters, Little Sion