I buy sprouted organic bread at the health food store(publix here in the S.E. too)no bromide. You have to refridg. it,but its about the same price. sprouted anything is better than ground seeds. Alavardo or Ezekiel or others. i try to eat it at a minimum(bread). After the Huns cross-bred the wheat to keep their bread from crumbling(more gluten)(hard to fight romans from a horse and not ruin your sandwhiches)in 300 A.D., the insuing allergic reaction in the first part of peoples small intestines(even md's are taught the primary food allergins are wheat,dairy,corn and soy,too bad they forget all about it) brought the dark ages.Bread is a convenient form of carbohydrates, but nothing to get carried away with,as i have obviously done with my post.if i don't stop now i'll write a book.Mahalo