Thank you so much Tek,
That is a path to follow with regards getting an indfectios disease.. I am already googling it. I live in Australia. I Just wish I could prove it just to my partner who would move the earth just to get me better. I am doing eucalyptus and salt washes and someone else ont his forum said they had great success doing that. However "no show" for me at the moment. I have not let a scrap of dairy pass my lips bar the natural yoghurt and I made sure it was organic. I guess my major source of fibre at the moment is Pycillum (not sure spelling)Husk and I sprinkle a heap on to the gluten free cereal and fresh chopped pineapple every morning. Instead of my mega latte for the last week I have been drinking soy chai latte.
I have already had 2 ct scans both of which turned up nothing... and have been perscribed xanax (antidepressant)and other anti vertigo medication and sleeping pills. I have point blank refused to take them ...only once when my partner begged me. I JUST WISH I COULD PROVE IT. I tell everyone I feel a worm in my head, and its perturbing when I feel the outline of it on my tongue through the roof of my mouth. This little sh*t certinely knows how to make me look like I am losing it. I can just hope that my herbs and such get here quickly. I will have to price up the cost of seeing an infectious disease doctor having spent $3000 aud on doctors meds and everything else. Thanks for the info Tek and I hope you too are going well with your cleansing , Little Sion