Yes, I'm only going to be taking Lugol'sIodine and have quit taking the precribed thyroid meds and I feel great! 31 years of a roller coaster and then still not ever getting healed or helped much with the meds.
I adjust the Iodine according to how I feel and it's pretty intuitive but you do figure it out. I think what helped me was I have been into raw foods now for over 4 years, off and on, some days, months more than others, but never going back to the way I ate before raw.
I also did a series of colonics, take bragg apple cider vinegar, and did a parasite cleanse for 30 days, which I'm going to repeat in December. I do take some of the recomended supplements, multi-minerals, vitamin C, Magnesium, and a complex B vitamin.
I don't do the salt loading except for once, but haven't ruled it out for the future.