Re: Thanks.
My pleasure. It's a process. I was dependent on anti-anxiety meds and coffee. I wasn't a heavy drinker, but I looked forward to that unwinding drink at the end of the day. I started by cutting out the meds, then meat,
Sugar and refined carbs, then dairy, coffee and alcohol. Take a look at your diet and find what works for you. I was seriously constipated when I started my cleanse (very common) and found that psyllium husks and other recommended things did not work for me. I was getting migraines from the constipation (common in my history). Then I read about enzymes and how pineapple kills parasites, so I started eating pineapple every day. That led to other fruit, and the constipation went away as simple as that. I didn't need any bowel herbs or anything else. For me, fruit was the answer to my constipation and it also gave me a lot of energy, but everyone's different, so try different things and see what works for you.
You can monitor your herxing (die-off symptoms, sometimes referred to as healing crisis). If it gets to be too much, you can back off a little. In my case, I doubled my Para-Gone dosage (I don't recommend that for everyone) and supplemented with lots of stuff like pineapple, coconut oil, ACV, oil of oregano and garlic. But I could take it. There was one day I just couldn't handle it; I stopped everything for that day, then picked back up the next day after a good night's sleep. You will learn to be your own best judge of what you need for yourself.
I don't want to dissuade you from going the medical route if that's what you feel you need to do. I'm still pursuing that myself so I can get these things identified and know what I'm dealing with, but it's been over two months and I just dropped off my fourth lab sample yesterday and they still haven't been able to identify what mine are. So I'm so glad I didn't wait on the system for treatment. I've unloaded more scary worms than I would ever wish on anyone in these two months of waiting, and I know I'm on a healing path now.