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  • Are you facing head lice problem? TinyLocks, a hea...   DorothyKing   9 y  4,136
  • I find it a waste to use Listerine as a head lice ...   agnescalay   9 y  4,231
  • We discovered a great lice killing spray without u...   #204183   9 y  4,055
  • My grandchildren treated their had lice problem wi...   #202977   9 y  4,136
  • As a pediatrician I’ve found a small device that c...   willmesi   8 y  4,069
  • Tallow Balm   North Star   4 y  369

    Tallow Balm

    Try organic, 100% grass-fed, unscented tallow balm for hair health. It can be put all through the hair and on the scalp daily and/or used as a hair gel, if one is looking for a natural hair gel. Don't get the versions with essential oils because these are not food-grade and thus will be absorbed into the bloodstream if applied externally and create toxicity. Follow the principle of nothing that is not food applied to the skin.
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    Hijacked Hair Image Embedded   CLEW   12 y  16,818  C

    Hijacked Hair

    Sorry if I post too many images, it just feels like I have to illustrate what I'm thinking.

    I remember the first time I saw hairs moving by themselves and made my whole family come in to see what I seeing. No one could believe it or explain it. But they ~did~ see it.

    Now, a few years and a microscope later here's at least one possible explanation for this "scare hair". Once again, it's the fungus among us. These "hairs" look like they've morphed with dictyostelium and maybe other types of fungi, setting up shop mostly on the head and scalp, but in the skin in general. Difficult to get rid of because it seems multiply quickly.

    Here's a great link to dictyostelium images and info:

    Online images for comparison:


    My images:
    Spore heads?



    Fruiting bodies?




    This larger exact likeness came out using the parasite paste. One of many.


    Cup Fungus?




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    I feel like Medusa, my hair is alive!   #217123   7 y  4,536  C

    I feel like Medusa, my hair is alive!

    Hi. Ive been suffering from parasites that look like hair. It's improved but it's been ten years and I can't rid myself of them. It scares the shit out of me. Someone please help with advice. I can't keep going on like this. The hairs are all intertwined in my pillows and blankets. Anyone? Has anyone beaten this? The doctors just say I'm hallucinating from PTSD. I'm not hallucinating. My last two boyfriends got it too. I can't kill them. Not heat, not cold, nothing works. I feel them in my butt, pubic hair, bodyhair, and especially my head hair. I just don't know what to do anymore. Some of my hair is ok but there are extreme thin hairs that are either parasites or covered in parasites.
  • Dry, itchy coarse , ropey coiled crown hair.   Marychris52   5 y  358  C

    Dry, itchy coarse , ropey coiled crown hair.

    Hi,I have a odd scalp, hair problem. I am a haidresser, not working with hair now, never heard of this. I burned my scalp, then it flaked, then it had follicle holes, hair grew back but hard to comb, no slip, and now there is like coils of hair growing in circle at crown, I can't get comb thru. It is so weird, and I tried antifungal stuff, dry hair stuff, anyone know what it is? Thanks
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    Gastritis and liver flush question . please help!   sheej123   6 y  1,970  C

    Gastritis and liver flush question . please help!

    Hey there,

    I have suffered from on and off constipation for a while now. And also hair fall for close to 4 years. I recently changed my diet, and gave up processed food. On one visit to an ayurvedic doctor I found out my liver is enlarged, he didn't do any test, just checked my pulse. And gave me some medicines for gastritis.
    After close to 15 days of taking the medicine, my friend suggested the liver flush. And i tried it, except I used only 20 gms of epsom salt, as only that amount was available. I saw some floating green balls, I am not sure if they are just hardened bile or stones. After the flush, for 3-4 days I had better bowel movements, but things got bad soon after, I saw a little blood in my stool and the pain in my stomach area is back.

    I am wondering if I should continue with the Liver Flush and if gastritis will heal on its own after the flushes. I don't want to go to any allopathy doctor. Here in India, they just rip you off and do not really help.

    Thank you all in advance. I really hope I get a reply. :)
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    lumps on my skull related to scabs of seborrheic d...   thepurplebug   8 y  3,308  C

    lumps on my skull related to scabs of seborrheic dermatitis on my scalp?!?

    I've been having issues in the summer when it's really humid. My scalp develops these thick, crusty scabs that remind me of when my seb derm was pretty bad in school. But this is worse. It doesn't respond to t-gel. If I try to pick off the bigger, looser bits, then hair comes with it. And now, I'm getting painful scabs that weep clear liquid, and yellowish gunk, and what I think are lymph nodes getting inflamed. There are swollen lumps on the back of my head, over those two points of bone at the base of the skull, and smaller bumps below the skull, more neck-based. They aren't acne. I don't think they're muscle knots. They hurt like hell. When a mild fever and the pain got me sent home from work, I got 5 days of Antibiotics from the doctor, and they went away for about a week, but now they're back. He gave me a topical lotion, but I have to wash my hair every day and apply it once it's clean - and I just don't have time in my schedule to wash my stupid thick hair every day! I can't keep fending it off with Antibiotics , and the doc seems to have no clue besides maybe my scalp is infected. Jsyk, there's a language barrier when I see him, as I live in Japan and haven't found an English-speaking doctor around my area yet. So it's possible he has an inkling but it's hard for me to tell, or if he just went with my best guess.

    Does this sound familiar to anyone? Any advice?
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    Hair falling out   anj28   8 y  5,679  C

    Hair falling out

    now my half of my hair is gone...its very thin and I can see my scalp in certain areas. I read on here its not a good idea to take vitamins but it seems like I really need them. I haven't started a cleanse yet bc im not sure what exactly to do. I think I will start out w/ buying bulk herbs and doing it that way. anyone else going through this? I also have a dr appointment set up to see if there is a medical issue like hypothyroidism causing the hair loss. I notice a bald patch in my eyebrows as well.
  • My hair secret #1   #229395   6 y  515

    My hair secret #1

    Because I'm growing out my real color for the first time since I was 13, I'm still getting used to the color. My brain still uses the words 'brassy' and 'dirty blonde' when I look at my hair.

    Hair Secret #1

    It may seem obvious that we should brush. But thinking of all the girls I know- they all blow dry and color their hair. But no one brushes. I think it just went out of fashion in the 70's haha

    If we want lovely hair, though, we should seriously think about bringing it back into fashion!

    So brushing is not the secret. The real secrets are WHY, and WHICH brush you chose.

    Let's start with WHY.

    The obvious answer is to distribute oil. We know this oil is the perfect conditioner and protector of the hair.

    Plus, if we don't distribute it, it builds up, and bad bacteria flourish, making smelly hair that has to be constantly washed.

    But the REAL reason we should brush is for our health.

    In Asian medicine, brushing your hair is necessary for wonderful health. Great hair is just a bonus.

    The acupressure points at the hairline are the nervous, kidney, reproductive, and bladder.

    The crown area is the heart, digestive and lungs.

    And the back of the crown is the spleen, pancreas, gallbladder and liver.

    Just by brushing your hair, your entire body gets much needed stimulation. If every major system in your body works better, you will have more energy and power to grow beautiful hair!

    Now for WHICH brush:

    I'm in my 40's and I only started brushing for a year. It's not that I haven't tried before.

    Ages ago, I was researching what I could do to make my square-ish hairline become more round.
    I saw pictures of a girl with the same hairline, who just learned to brush twice a day. Her hairline looked so much nicer after.

    Ever since then, I've been on a mission to brush my hair too!

    I bought 2 brushes over the last 10 years. They both gave me major split ends.

    But MUCH worse was the tangles! Who wants to brush their hair , only to make it a big matted mess?

    If I was only brushing with my head upright, I may have continued. But when I brush upside down, and flip my hair up, my hair looked like I was in a tornado!

    There's nothing wrong with thick brushes, if you have THICK hair, and each strand is thick too. You may need a brush like that.

    It's only been this year that I found the right brush for my fine hair.

    There are far fewer bristles, and when rubbed on my palm, it's so gentle. It's called a finishing brush for shine.

    This means that when I brush upside down, and flip my hair, the hairs just slide across each other. It doesn't matte up.

    My hair looks tidy and well maintained- exactly what I want.

    This was a life lesson for me:

    Sometimes it's not the method that's giving you unfavorable results. It's the tool you're using :)
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    My folliculitis cure   RN SUCCESS bluetube   13 y  157,444  C

    My folliculitis cure

    I suffered from scalp/neck folliculitis for years before I finally found a cure. I saw many doctors (all useless!) until I found Dr Jacob Teitalbaum's website re: candida yeast. All of my doctors told me it was staph bacteria, even though all of my cultures and biopsy confirmed NO bacteria present. They also didn;t find any fungus, but that's because fungus is very hard to detect using cultures, especially candida. (Most doctors will not tell you this). So, if your problem is definitely not bacterial (easily confimed by swab culture and biopsy) then there's a good chance it's yeast-candida-fungus.

    Antibiotics will help only as long as you take them, but as soon as you stop, the problem will return with a vengance because it only aggravates the candida yeast. Antibiotics kill good and bad bacteria, which allows the candida yeast to proliferate throughout your body. This is what cured me:

    1. 2 Nizoral tablets every night after dinner (400mg). They will make you tired and lower your energy levels, so take them before bed. Take for 2 months every night.

    2. No sugar, dairy, gluten, bread, pasta, rice, alcohol for 2 months. All of these feed the yeast. Instead, have eggs for breakfast and meat/fish/chicken + salad/veggies for lunch and dinner. Drink only water. Yeah - it's a boring diet, but it's only for 2 months, not forever. (No grains, legumes either - they feed the yeast).

    3. If you can, do colon cleansing because most of these problems come from that part of your body. Eg, undigested food for months/years can wreak havoc and produce bacteria, candida, etc.To help with absorption of food, take 1 betaine hydrochloride tablet (with pepsin) after each meal.

    4. Take one milk thistle tablet right after breakfast to protect and regenerate your liver, since Nizoral can be prety hard on the liver. Many doctors warned me about nizoral, but I recently had a Liver function test (LFT) and it was normal, even though I had been taking nizoral for quite some time. Alph lipoic acid is also supposed to protect your liver. Take probiotics too - but only the best quality, refrigerated, most expensive kind ( i bought mine at the colon clinic). They will replenish the good bacteria in your gut to rebalance the candida-yeast.

    So, it's a combination of medication + diet + supplements. Do not "cheat", not even for one day. Another good doctor is Dr Sherry Rogers, who has a similar protocol. I like her and Dr Teitalbaum because they have both suffered from candida themselves, and it's only these people who have any idea as to what causes it and how to reduce the excess yeast back to its normal level.

    My problem was caused by long term Antibiotics (tetracycline for acne) which wiped out all my good bacteria, which led to excess candida yeast. This is the most misdiagnosed condition in the world and most doctors and specialists/dermatologists are absolutely useless in treating it, because they are too lazy and don't even know what causes it. If your doctor won;t give you Nizoral tablets, then keep going until you find one that will.

    You can take diflucan (easier on the liver) but many times the yeast will be resistant to it ( was with me), so I had to go for the "sledgehammer" approach with Nizoral. Btw, Nizoral shampoo will do nothing for chronic, recurring folliculitis because the problem is deep within the bloodstream. Topical stuff won;t reach in there. Makes sense, doesn't it?

    This is the most frustrating illness I have ever had, and all I can say is thank God for the internet, because it's where I found my two doctors (Dr Sherry Rogers I found here on curezone - someone else's suggestion). My former illness only reminds me of how incompetent and ineffective the current system of medical education actually is. I mean come on, don't doctors learn about this stuff? Obviously not. Too busy learning about antibiotics, whcih cause a whole series of future problems. Now, I only take anitbios as a last resort. They cause too many problems.

    Please have a Liver Function Test (LFT) before you take NIzoral, as it can affect your liver, then have an LFT once a month while on nizoral.

    Re: Diet - check out Bee Wilder's website (healing naturally by bee) - she explains candida in great detail. The only thing is that she prefers an all-natural approach. I don't because it takes too damn long. Medication speeds up the process. Remember, if your folliculitis is not bacterial based, then it's probably yeast (candida/fungal) based, so antibios are useless.

    Also remember that most doctors are useless - only about 10% are genuine (that is, trying to help people instead of make money). I learned this the hard way!!!

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    Grey hair & Urine Therapy   Pathway to Peace   18 y  32,553  C

    Grey hair & Urine Therapy

    Has anyone had their hair turn back to their natural colour from being on urine therapy ?
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    premature white hairs are reversing!!   RRR Success #177404   10 y  10,547  C

    premature white hairs are reversing!!

    hello everyone,

    I'am beyond ecstatic to say my white hairs are going back to black/brown. i got my first white hair 6 yeas ago old around the same time my health starting going down, i think thats when i got infected with candida. i do still have candida today and will work on that soon, after i cleanse all my organs.

    NEW things i started taking

    opti msm 1/2 tsp a day
    blue ice fermented cod liver oil 1/2 tsp a day before bed
    serrapeptase 120,000IU 2x a day 30min before breakfast
    organic chlorella powder 1/2-1tsp of powder per day

    i have been following this daily for about 3 weeks now. i started taking these to help with possible endometriosis/severe menstrual pain. my plan was to reduce overall inflammation and increase my vitamin A.

    Anyway, I had about 10 or more Pure white hairs on my scalp. It was not grey the hairs were literally bright white. i was just brushing my hair today and noticed that i dont see as many whites, so i stated to analyze my scalp and found only 4 white hairs now. then i decided to pull 2 out and guess what? the bottom half of the white hair was completely black, but the top half was still white. the second one i pulled out had a pattern, white root, black middle, then white end. it looks like my hair is starting to return to its normal color. i knew this was not genetic because no one in my family had premature white hairs. I'm in my late 20's if anyone wants to know.

    could it be i was deficient in vitamin A all along?
    in the past i took high doses of 100% pure spirulina but never saw changes in my hair color. This is my first time trying chlorella powder, it could possibly be chlorella that did all this.

    i dont know for sure what it was that helped but i hope this post helps anyone who is way to young to be going grey.


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