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Probiotics, Bowel Flora, Dysbiosis, Good Bacteria Support Forum
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Dysbiosis Forum - Improving Bowel Flora

Discuss the holistic connection between candida/parasites/heavy metals and other synergystic relationships
of gut health like acid/alkaline, etc, all together ... linked to Dysbiosis.

Dysbiosis is an overgrowth of improper microorganisms. The best-known form of dysbiosis is Candidiasis, which, thanks to overuse of antibiotics, is now famous.
Dr. William Crook made Candidasis famous in his book, The Yeast Connection.
An overgrowth of yeast, which produce toxins and undermine the health of the GI system and the immune system, is a form of dysbiosis.
Normally you have between four and seven pounds of bacteria in your colon. When the bacteria are normal and in balance, they perform a lot of beneficial functions:
- They produce vitamins, like folic acid and B12
- They nourish the lining of the colon by producing butyric acid. They do this by feeding on vegetable fiber. Adequate butyric acid levels reduce the chances for colon cancer.
- They inhibit harmful bacteria.
- They break down toxins.
-- There are other bacteria and yeast that normally exist, but in smaller numbers. Think of the GI tract as an ecosystem, with a balance between beneficial and not so beneficial microorganisms.
When the ecosystem is out of balance, as it is with Candidiasis, your health can be adversely affected. Harmful microorganisms can do the following damage to your body:
- Inhibit normal bacteria, creating deficiencies of nutrients and other problems.
- Produce toxins. Harmful bacteria create toxins and inhibit normal bacteria from detoxifying the bowel. Toxins can burden the liver and affect every function in the body.
- Hydrogenate polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Allergies, chemical sensitivities, fatigue, fibromyalgia, depression, digestive problems, skin problems, headaches, joint pain and virtually any chronic health problem can be caused by disbiosis. These health problems are the result of nutrient deficiencies, toxicity, GI irritation and challenges to the immune system.
Dysbiosis can be caused by improper eating, exposure to toxins like chemicals and heavy metals, drug therapy, poor enzyme production, nutrient deficiency or poor immune function. Treating the dysbiosis is important, but you also have to address the underlying cause.

Diagnosis of dysbiosis can be aided by a Comprehensive Digestive Stool Analysis (CDSA). By analyzing a stool sample for enzymes, various chemical components and bacterial balance, you can have an idea of how will the GI system is functioning and whether or not dysbiosis is present. It is by no means a perfect test. Parasitic infestations are often missed (about 20% of the time), only bacteria that can live in open air (around 10% of your normal bowel flora) are found, and many of the indicators of enzyme function and nutrient absorption are approximations. Still, it can be a useful test.

Another way to determine if dysbiosis is present is from a health history and general exam. Previous eating habits, drug therapies and chemical exposures can indicate a problem with dysbiosis. Questions about digestion are particularly helpful. Many times a successful therapy can be developed with out the use of a CDSA. Testing may be useful if the desired results are not obtained or if you suspect a specific parasite as the cause of your problem.

Forum Link1: Dysbiosis books
Forum Link2: Human Microbiota Transplantation Therapy


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