I just wanted to thank Trapper for getting rough with me awhile back. In retrospect, I know he was just looking out for me.
I know that an apology was something I was looking for, BUT, I think he has an "innate" ability to know when someone (like me for example) just needs a "strong hand" when it comes to
simple guidance. His communication skills may be lacking (whose aren't, I know mine certainly are not perfect) but his heart was definitely in the right place.
Well, after more prayer on this topic, I just happened to be given a name of a local dentist, who routinely does mercury removal. He simply doesn't go 'round advertising it. Knowing my town like I do, and knowing the "system" around here...this makes perfect sense. He'd be ridden outta town on a rail!
Anywho, for everything I need done,
*FOURTEEN mercury amalgams,
*one of which will be a crown,
*ALL of my incisors need a new filling on the biting edges of them, as they are ALL now a bit rough looking, with some just downright chipped! (This was the guise I went in for, with the intention of bringing up the mercury once I was in the chair).
All this work can be done in six visits or less, and I get started on August 28th!
How much do you think this would cost me, even if I had NO insurance?
Well, guess what?
The total came to $2500.00! I was so pleasantly surprised. But the best part of it is, is that MY part will be LESS THAN $900! I cannot believe it. The insurance will NOT cover the mercury removal - but it WILL cover the filling! I was so surprised! And, they did have to tell me that it has recently come to light that mercury
Amalgams "pose no health threat" -
yah right.
They "have to inform me of that finding" so that I know of the costs to me.
Heck, when I requested a "breakdown" of the estimate, even the doctor himself went over it with me, when he could have had his assistant do it for him.
God has NOT left the building!
I am SO happy I actually WILL be without these darn things very soon!
My thyroid can finally stop getting lambasted with toxic mercury! (And many other organs, to be sure)
yay me! (My daughter is clapping in the background!)
I just wanted to share my joy with my friends!