In the past and most of my adult life (except early on) I would experience excruciating leg cramps. From my hip all the way to my feet. I ultimately discovered that primrose oil worked for me, yet quinine seems to work for my mother (leg cramps unrelated to menstuation of course). Wake you up with charlie horses in both legs in the middle of the night kind of cramps.
A bit over a year ago I completely lost my periods due to what we assumed was weight loss - but still tons of leg cramps. Day 2 or three of Lugols, my period returned. It's been like clockwork ever since.
The cramps - Gone. g - o - n - e , adios amigo gone, since the iodine. 7 months. Less than 50mgs a day satisfied that, but I'm still on higher levels than 50 at this point. Might drop back down due to no noticable anything (good or bad) at least on a daily basis/observable level at high doses (over 200).
I accredit
Lugols to relieving cramping which disrupted a couple days a month all of my life, and spasms/cramps (feet included) which plagued me otherwise for the past year plus.
Go I o.