I went through the same thing.
I'd done two successful flushes, so knew 1) what
Gallstones felt like 2) that they WERE
Gallstones and 3)the relief (at least several weeks) that followed a successful flush.
A couple of months ago, I had such a severe attack that I was literally trembling in a chair from pain. Under urging I went to the hospital, where a doctor said my sympyoms were all definitely gallstone symptoms. An ultrasound, though, revealed nothing. Why?
I assume it was because my stones are all of the real green (ie cholesterol and bile) type. They float in the toilet ERGO they are less dense than water! presumably the ultrasound would work well for calcified stones, but I don't get those.
Another flush a short time ago produced a significant crop of the little devils, so I can assure you they were there.
By the way, I'd like to suggest to anyone concerned that they look for a very effective and inexpensive traditional Chinese medicine for liver inflammation and gallstones--I can't remember the name offhand, but one of the ingredients is snake bile! (3 snakes' bile, to be precise.) It seems to get stones moving and calm the liver down beautifully. Go to your local Chinatown and look through the boxes in an herbal shop. It should be red with a picture of a liver and gallbladder on it, and the suggestion on the side that it's good for hepatitis and
Gallstones in the usual broken English. I'm certainly not making any promises--particularly if you really do have hepatitis--but I will say it definitely worked for me. And it's really cheap!
Anyway, go ahead and flush. It's a health giving procedure, stones or no--but I'd bet you'll see them again.