Dear Humaworm
First of all, thank you very much for all the help you are providing to us!! It is very much appreciated and so good to know that help is out there.
I'm on day 4 of Humaworm and have been experiencing a few different things which I'll add late on, but first of all a brief history: age 31, been suffering from possible parasite-related problems for the past 17+ years. Problems started soon after returning to the UK after a 3 month stay in Africa (where we were stranded in Ethiopia for a week and also stayed in a remote mining village for the remainder of the time). The following symptoms soon presented themselves:
Dizziness, fainting, feeling ill all the time, mood changes, ammonia-type body odour, stomach cramps, soft pale foul-smelling stools, IBS, dramatic weight loss (and have never been able to gain weight since), ongoing problem with candida which is only alleviated short-term through diet etc, depression, extreme menstrual cramps, joint pain, food intolerances, bloating, gas, pale appearance, anaemia, low immune system, exhaustion....
Endoscopic examinations revealed patches of inflammation and ulcers in my colon. After adopting the anti-candida diet and taking various homeopathic medicines plus vitamins and minerals, the internal problems cleared up!
Despite this I am managing to hold down a full-time (stressful) job, but it's tough and some days I feel as though I am dying, bleugh.
Doctors have provided various theories: the most recent is that it is all mind-related and stems from a stressful period I went through at the age of 10. Currently waiting to see a psychologist...if I wasn't mad at the start of this journey, I sure am now!
Anyway, a moment of serendipity led me to purchase my first round of Humaworm! I am on day 4, and wondered if the following feelings are normal:
(1) Profound exhaustion (possibly from die-off?)
(2) Passing clouds of white specks when going to the toilet
(3) Feelings of depression, real panic and not wanting to leave the house...
I'm due back at work tomorrow and am worried about how things will be - if I aim to drink lots of water will it help do you think?
The feelings of die-off reinforce the theory that there must be a parasite problem there...I've never been tested as such, but I'm curious to see what happens over the next while!
Thank you very much for your help Humaworm!