1 What do you think is better (or should I say, what do you think is WORSE) between eating an omnivore 100% raw diet and eating a vegan, 85% raw diet with 15% cooked foods (maily grains?) ?
I would say the raw is healthier, butI ask this question b/c I see you do and suggest a few cooked supplements, such as molasses and lecithin. If there is a good threshold for cooked food in an healthy diet, what is this threshold?
Molasses and Lecithin are supplements. Supplementation is for those who eat cooked foods. The RAW diet is best and if it is raw fruit, then it follows God's Laws for humans.
2 what is your opinion about iodine supplementing?
In the USA it is an absolute. The history dates back for centuries, we probably don't need it if we ate raw fruits only, but since we eat everything, we need more minerals than our diet supplies.
I suggest in the USA, the black walnut tree is the fountain of youth. It is the human source of iodine and the secret behind the walnut tree being a dewormer. The ill human is consumed by worms, its natures way. You take the de-wormer and you receive your natural iodine and the worms then leave, because the human is not dieing so quickly anymore. In a few months I will have a concentrated form of walnut tree iodine, that I have great hopes for, it will also be a formula of other minerals with it and I suggest it will be toxic free, while all of the commercial iodines are very toxic and even deadly in small doses to humans.
Germ Warfare and Human de-population removes the humans who have iodine problems first in my opinion...Since 1992, the powers at will have been removing our iodine sources and increasing chemicals that remove iodine from our bodies and have created the gigantic cancer industry we have today, making the doctors billions $$$$$.
3 Some suggest that fruit that is cooked unripe causes the body to become acidic. Most of the fruit I have access too ( like most people living in a big city) is picked unripe. Better avoid it?
The contrary, the SITZ BATH BOOK, which is coming up in the future for the schooling, suggest the immature fruit to be the most healing. The immature apple/peach, etc., etc... will cause a normal person to have diarreah... This is not a bad sign, but a sign of increased healing.
The unripe city fruits most likely not good because they are covered in chemicals/dyes. I choose the organic frozen juices and use my distilled water to make the juice I drink when fresh juice is not available. Cascade Farms is the best I have found, we often buy $200 worth of the frozen cans in the freezer section.
4 (edited)one more question is...what is better in your opinion, living (and raising a kid)in a big city with polluted air/water AND eating correctly, or eating closer to nature in the country and eat/live like most people does? children that grow up in the country just look so much better no matter what they eat.
In the city, your going to be breathing the worse air, car exhaust and other people's breath, etc.................We are what we breathe. What we eat, we accumulate and it kills us as well but air is number ONE!
The best life is in the country and because most humans are TRIBAL, they need to find a small group of people to share time with and in the USA, this normally means a small church or club of some sort. Women seem to need this more than men. I myself am at peace with out other people and I avoid the crowds. I see city life as living in prison. There are bullies everywhere, humans try to out do each other and are predators, living in the city has to be a challange to survive. In the country most people have guns and bullies stay away for the most part. We can leave our cars unlocked with the keys in them, our tools outside, the dogs and cats run loose and most of all, we can unzip and take a pee with out the neighbors looking!!!!!!! I have lived in at least 8 houses in my lifetime and have never had a neighbor close enough that I couln't take a pee in peace!!!!!!!!!!!! As weird as that sounds, in the city, your bound by laws galore and everyone is looking at what you do or don't do! Living on a back road back long lanes offers some freedom.
thanks for sharing your knowledge
Not so much knowledge, just opinions,