If you don't take a break from the cleansing, you may develop resistant parasites, and have a much harder time of getting rid of them. You can take in-between-spices that help kill them off, but don't make them super resistant.
Per Humaworm: Take 1/4 tsp. each of garlic, onion, thyme, sage, cinnamon and cloves. I add the first 4 to stir-frys, or soups and the cinnamon and cloves to oat bran, or oat meal. You can add them to what ever food you like. I've read that freshly ground cloves may be the only thing that kill's eggs.
I like to eat a lot of fresh garlic and onion everyday... both kill parasites.
I also use aloe vera juice often. If you use aloe vera juice, as it kills parasites, you must take breaks from it too. I use it for a week, and take a break from it for a week or two.
Another thing that helps is to add fresh lemon juice to water as it helps kill
parasite eggs.
Oregano oil drops, olive leaf, pau d'arco can all be used. Check with Humaworm.
I like to eat a lot of pineapple for a couple of days... I've read this kills parasites.
I'm sure I'm not thinking of everything right now!