Hi Humaworm! Thanks so much for making such a great product for us all to use. I have used the clarkia tincture and the paragone in the past and have not had the greatest success with these. I have a new parasite infection that is really affecting my life. I am constantly waking up covered in cold sweat with a hot dry mouth. I can feel the parasites moving around in my body in my intestines usually right below my liver area... it is really disturbing. When I zap I can feel worms writhing around dying in my arms and legs.. The dark circles around my eyes have gotten much worste and my energy level is terrible. I really need your product but I am sensitive to garlic. I am hoping that I can order a batch that has garlic removed from the recipe? I am low on money and I don't want to invest in paragone again just to have it not work.. Thanks so much