Johny Apple Bomb
I think I saw a post earlier where you said that if your Sota MP broke down, you would buy a Klemens SMP. Is that still your thinking?
I'm not sure. The Klemens may be best for energizing the cells. I don't know if it kills or disables pathogens. In the Beck Protocol the Pulser is needed to get to pathogens in areas the blood doesn't flow.
I like the fact that it will pulse up to 15 times a second but the sharp magnetic jolt is what kills. Turn it down to one pulse a second and see how far it bounes a washer compared to a regular Beck Magnetic Pulser. If the washer doesn't bounce you may be buying "magic beans".
If you had no Beck equipment, which Mag Pulser would you get?
My Sota is taking a long time to warm up so I'm looking around. I might just have to replace the capacitors. I think I'll get one that is more powerful next time. Maybe something like this.
Taken from link below.
There are other types of much more expensive magnetic pulsers available that may be helpful in stimulating cellular rejuvenation. However, because of their much lower magnetic pulse intensity, they do not appear to inhibit any microbes or
parasites but rather may stimulate their growth.
While all Beck-type zappers appear to have basically the same treatment effect, magnetic pulsers, on the other hand, are not created equal. Look for a pulser with a high gauss rating of 30 K Gauss or more. However, it is equally important that the magnetic field builds up very rapidly, and for this strong coil wire is required. When intending to buy a pulser I suggest that you shop around and ask several manufacturers how high a washer jumps from the coil. One foot/30
cm should be the minimum for cancer treatment.
However, there is now also a different type of magnetic pulser available with up to 10 or more pulses per second (see Resources in Australia). It appears to work by creating a pulsing magnetic field rather than just single very short pulses. This is very effective for treating areas of pain and inflammation as well as restoring weak organs and tissues. Instead of directly killing or disabling cancer cells it appears to work by restoring the electric membrane potential of cells to a healthy level. This is presently my favourite.