1- Question About Distilled Water.
I use the Dr. Christopher News Letter and books on water to prove distilled is the best water. My boys have been raised on distilled water, we make juice with it, etc. My wife drinks mostly only distilled water, while I drink juice made with it. I have distilled my water for over 15 years now. Medical doctors as far back as the civil war suggested it. Any decent baby doctor today will prescribe that a sickly baby only use distilled water. My kids are living proof that distilled water has zero ill side effects and any fool can see the metals that a distiller removes and common sense then ther guide to ONLY drink water that has been steam distilled.
2- Question About Food Combining.
Combining foods is NOT NATURAL; it is an option to the already perverted methods of eating. In nature one ripe fruit in season of a similar color is the choice food. Our lives revolves around color and our fruits are extremely important color source.
3- Question About Concentrated Sugars.
REAL sugar from fruits/plants is what we live on best, they say there are over 220+ of these natural sugars, I love them all. I live on sugars. I see anti-sugar people and they are mostlt diabetics who are sickly gray looking people with no strength. Naturally concentrated sugars made in a factory can be bad. Raw honey I can see no limit in your consumption, I buy the WHOLE COMB right out of the bee box and you will never eat too much of it and it quickly satisfies your lack of natural sugar. Amish Made Sorghum is a concentrate as is maple syrup, they are both good, yet not natural. White sugar is minus the natural minerals, raw sugar has its minerals and is the better option for consuming cane sugar. Cane juice is considerd a miracle healer. I took a free sugar test at a fair 2 years ago and I was considered perfectly normal. I have read books where medical doctors considered some diseases were due to the lack of sugars in the diet.
Question About Vegetables/Fruitarianism .
I have often said we can live on grass. A grass smoothie can cure everything, including new teethe and new hair. Green Grass is considered liquid air/sunshine.
Question About Organic/Conventional Produce
Organic grown is a good idea, sadly commercial interest have bent the rules so much, that organic means little anymore. True organic grown is what I do, ZERO CHEMICALS. I use molasses for fertilizer and cayenne pepper for bugs and peroxide for fungus control. I consider these 3 harmless. The very, very best is wild crafted as God intended, these foods in my area are wild raspberries, and other small fruits/herbs.
The seedless and modified?
Naturally most vegetables all fit this profile. Most fruits fit this profile to a lesser extent, but what we buy in a store is normally not found in Nature, so yes, it is all modified. Does it have side effects? Sure, we took God's creation and made it our way.
Remember, my veiw is that all foods have side effects, all foods eventually kill us. Our cells are made with sunshine/oxygen and the trace minerals in our air supply. Big brother knows this very, very well and has chosen to vaccinate us / poison us via our air supply, known here as chem trails. Thus, all foods have some side effect, that small amount that never leaves our body does eventually kill us.
I have no problem with the new fruits as long as they don't have to raise them with chemicals. For example, all the apple trees are modfied, none being natural. I have apple trees that grow just fine every year with no chemicals, their juice is just fine, I could care less that it was modified and looks very little like the original apple. Today there are I think I have read 20,000 versions of the apple. I would drink the juice of all of them.
The foods that are grown with round up and all the chemicals are your bad foods, but any food you can grow at home year after year with no chemicals, I have no problem with. Naturally I prefer wild fruits, but where I live, this is very limited.
Blessings, all good questions,