I have good things to report already. Mother who is 82 and almost crippled by arthritis in her knees and legs, and has diabetes, said after wearing the patches on [her] feet and knees that she had much less pain and made it to the toilet in the night without having to hang on to the walls and such. She is still stiff, and I told her we need much more time about that, but I do believe we are getting some instant results that have her very impressed!!!
A few hours later......
You wouldn't believe this!!! After only one session putting the patches on her knees (no toxin removal from there) and on her feet. In the morning after removing her pads I put the knee patches back on her feet. My mother is 55% more mobile. She is not teeter-tottering and she says she is totally out of pain!!! Mother told me she has been running around with wired energy all day doing all kinds of things she has not had the energy to do for weeks. And that is all just one night and a day of wearing the patches. -- Vicki Price