Imagine you live in USA.
You are proud of being an American.
Imagine there is another large country on the planet earth, bigger then USA, called United Great Empire (It is composed of countries that used to be called: China, Russia, India, Pakistan, Australia, Japan, Korea, Mexico + many smaller countries. )
UGE controls big part of Asia, whole Africa, Whole south America and most countries on the planet earth, and is far more powerful then USA, both economically and militarily.
Dominant new religion in UGE is Islam.
UGE controls United Nations.
UGE controls World Banks.
Now imagine this:
UGE and USA are not friends
UGE claims that USA is undemocratic and claims that USA was planning to attack UGE
UGE claims USA has weapons of mass destruction aimed at UGE
USA, your country, is attacked by United Great Empire (UGE)
The rest of the world is not really sure that that is the main reason why UGE attacked USA. The rest of the world demonstrates against UGE.
UGE needs energy, and USA happened to control a lot of it.
THE War is bloody, and lasts for 2 years
More then 10 million of USA citizens died during UGE bombing.
UGE was using cluster bombs in US cities, killing thousands.
USA soldiers finally give up weapons, throw uniforms, and run.
The war is over, UGE is a winner.
You lost several relatives during bombing.
UGE claims that they liberated USA from evil government that did not respect human rights
UGE wins the war and establishes new marionette government
George Bush and his government is overthrown.
George Bush is on trial for killing thousands of civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan.
A new government of USA is now under direct control of UGE and is more interested in pleasing UGE then working for the good of USA people.
UGE starts using and exporting natural resources of USA into UGE (oil, metals, wood, food, water ... anything that Empire needs)
UGE and it's soldiers control everything
UGE starts creating a new US army, army under command of UGE generals
New army gets well paid, while the rest of the US population is poor.
Rich people in USA support UGE in order to keep their wealth.
Many people in USA are unhappy with what UGE is doing.
They join secret resistance movement and start killing UGE soldiers.
Members of resistance movement also attack and kill new US soldiers, cause they too work for UGE
UGE calls members of the resistance movement terrorists, and if arrested, they are not tried on court, but are treated as illegal combatants and are tortured, killed or imprisoned for life.
UGE controls most countries on the planet earth, and has secret camps where they keep terrorists.
UGE pas laws that allow torture, neglecting Geneva convention.
US patriots hate UGE.
Many people start hating those who support UGE.
They join resistance movement, and sacrifice their lives through suicide actions aimed at UGE or at new US army that protects UGE interests.
Resistance movement claims that UGE hates Christians. (Most UGEans are Muslims )
CNN, under control of UGE, keeps reporting how those terrorists are killing innocent people through suicide actions.
There are many fractions of Resistance movement, but 2 strongest are Republicans and Democrats.
They also fight against each other.
But, there are also fractions of the Resistance movement not under control of Republicans nor Democrats. Thy are against UGE, and fight against UGE.
It is kind of complicated ... all fractions hate UGE .. but some of them also hate each other and are in war against each other, war for control over USA.
What would you feel?
Would you be pro UGE or against UGE?
Would you consider members of the resistance movement being terrorists, or would you consider them being patriots?
Woul you rather see your kids joining army controlled by UGE, or would you rather have your kids helping resistance movement?
Would you support the resistance movement or would you be against them?
If asked by UGE police, would you tell who the members of the resistance movement are, if you knew?
What would you think about CNN or BBC or FOX ... ? All of them calling members of the resistance movement terrorists!
Would you believe in what CNN has to say?
Would you respect CNN journalists?
Would you believe to what the President of UGE is promissing to USA people?
I want to know your position! Please, just answer the question ... don't debate .. this is all just hypothetical ... no relation to anything in the real word.
Imagine UGE world!