What about milk ?
It is a natural Product....BUT people add things too it....
Some say good ..some say bad....It gets confusing for sure....
A doctor told mom years ago that.... YOU should not drink milk !
HE said a baby naturally drinks milk from its moms breast.
That all creatures drink from its moms breast.
That only time a human child drank milk from another source, is when for some reason, it could not get milk from its mom.
Said that God fixed babies to draw milk from a mom for only a season...Then moms milk would dry up. And then you would drink water, simple juices...and milk from other animals in biblical times.As well as eats from food.
That even calfs stopped drinking from a mother cow at certain ages.
So He said If GOD done this.....WHY do you think We should not think to follow. WHY did HE not make moms to continue making milk to feed its young.
HE told mom not to drink milk... It caused stones....ulcers...and other complications......
MOM said what about the vitamins...especially D... HE said THE sun...vitamin supplements..... calcium supplements...
NOW I'M one who LOVES milk products..... I was always healthy till around 25 to 30. THEn health went down hill.... From what people say it could be all the milk gumming up the works....I know that I have trouble with thick mucas when i drink whole milk.....So I went to 2%....and then down to 1%....I have less mucas problem.... ITS easier to drink the milk too.....
MY 1st grandson kept being sick on his immitation breast milk formulas.THEy changed it many times! HIS milk would clabber in his linings and gag him till he was sick. THEn chunks of milk would come back up.... Watered down the milk... and He handled it better....GOt him on table foods quickly and on less milk and HE got healthy.
Coincadents... WELL 2nd baby had same problem.....BUT we knew what to do....AND HE don't like milk as he got older, so easier to handle...
I also consider the man made sugars,used them 22 years....(ASPARTAME WARNING-CHECK IT OUT) I felt better in 3 weeks NOW I quit them. HAD sore throat 10 years..throats better since off the man made sugar,that lymphnode swelling is gone by half in throat.Migraines and headaches had at least 2 a week...Had one slight headache in the 3 weeks quit! Have not had much sinus problems either! I am usually in Emergency Room with this time of year! GEtting shots and antibiots 3 months in a row. BEEn there so far this season 1 time! I have not had many dizzy spells eather! I get them often usually! (CHECK IT OUT-
Aspartame WARNING)
Well Hope all is well with you all!