Hi Kitty,
What are your spirit guides telling you in your dreams? I too am sure they are trying to help, after all that is what we do. Not knowing what you already know makes it difficult to offer solid guidance. I wouldn't suggest giving up your home on the farm. I would take a close look at why you don't care for the commute, besides the fact it is probally a long ride, gas is expensive, you may not get home in time for a "normal" dinner hour, time with spouse or children if they exsist. These reasons are all physical. If you are waking up in the middle of the night with what sounds like an anxiety attack about the communte, you need to look at past events, where you in a car accident, are you afraid to drive in bad weather? Something on an emotional level has triggered your physical discomfort about the commute. I could go on and on with could be's, but I would rather you tell me a little more about why you don't like the commute. Then we can go from there. I am certain I can assist you in finding out the cause is and helping you over come it. As for feeling trapped, do where and how do you feel trapped? Depression is very common when we have no clue what direction we are "about" to go in. I personally try to live by the rule, "What makes me happy, is what I am suppose to be doing." Maybe, your guides are trying to tell you it's time for a career change.
Look forward to your reply.
Love & Guidance,