MH 108
Ideally this is cleared up from the inside out and oregano and olive leaf are great. I suggest making 2 gallons of very strong rich olive leaf tea and drinking 1 quart per day until gone and then reduse the amount or take capsules. Take 1 drop of pure organo daily, then 2 drops, etc. until the problem clears. Cleansing the liver and intestines is a must.
I had one man that was a well driller all his life and his finger nails and toe nails were black and his under arms were a mess as was most of his skin. Herbs made most of his skin look better, but the palms of his hands and his toe nails remained rough and fungus. He used 35% peroxide on this skin and nails and it boiled and burned and he said it felt GREAT, he was so tired of the itch, that the burn effect actually felt good.
This is dangerous, one drop on the eye and your blind! I wouold use a more dilluted peroxide myself to be safer. He also took the peroxide internally and the fungus was killed eventually.
the suggested methods in my free book are more natural or safer and would do a better job, but for the quick fix, I would use peroxide to some degree.
Christopher used black walnut tincture externally and herbs intenally. The cleaner the liver, the less the problem.