Hi Dath
My sentiments exactly. So let's do it. Lets prove it. I am glad someone cottoned on to what I was getting at. If we are going to be human guinea pigs lets do the relevant research to back it up.
Also you might be very very surprised at how many doctors know about Royal Ramond Rife and his works. They managed to salvage one of his original microscopes and put it in The
Science Museum of London. I will be there in a about a week and I have been accepted to study Homeopathy at Uni. Be sure I will be doing research into this.
You also may be surprised to know that many many doctors do graduate with a rather niave notion that they want to cure and help people! Just because some of the information they are taught is not correct is not exactly their fault. I used to be anti doctors but decided working together is best. Many doctors, where I come from anyway, genuinely want to heal. They also MUST have scientific proof. All drugs have trials and double blind trials and zappers should be given the same chance. Many many doctors in the U.K are also homeopaths (many homeopathic hospitals been set up by Prince Charles) although homeopathy as yet can not be proved. They are more open than you think to this kind of stuff. Also Jeff Sutherland would not be doing a lecture at Yale on the F-scan II it the people there didn't want to know about it.
You talk about the power of the big drug companies but have hope, the power of the will is strong. In the U.K health service is FREE. You see a doctor for free and EVERYONE pays a prescription charge of 5
pounds no matter if your medicine costs 100
pounds or 2 pounds. Therefore the power of the big drug companies in a healthy system like this is not as strong as in places like the U.S. Also all communist countries such as Russia etc have this system. I remember when I was in the States I had to pay about 70 dollars (doctors and prescription fee)to get an inhaler for asthma. I was astounded and something really hit home about the American health system. (which incidently is deemed one of the best in the world simply because they have the money (funded by drug companies) to do research) Obviously I don't have health insurance as you don't need it in the U.K.
So if a little man in a loin cloth and nothing else called Mahatma Gandi could overthrow the colonial Brits with NON VIOLENCE simply because 40 billion people WANTED it. Then on that basis the drug companies will start making zappers or go out of business. I wouldn't say 110 dollars is that cheap and thats for your basic model. There is also a lot of money to be made in these energetic medicine machines. Maybe the drug companies will cotton on.
If 40 billion people want a Zapper then someone will make it and sell it to them. That is not to forget the whole of Asia who tends to err on the alternative therapy side and I have personally seen Ozone and zapping as very highly regarded there. Africa has so many deadly
parasites zapping is just common sense there. American drug companies are only a very small part of the big bad world.
Anyway got to catch a ferry. I hope by 2020 we will know the answers to sooooo much more. But the questions have to be asked first.
excuse all spelling mistakes in a rush
extract below
Rife Research Today
There is little fear that Rife's work is lost. Much of the material has been examined an reproduced with varying degrees of success by various groups and individuals. Although this research has yet to be done within any orthodox institutions or research body whose ostensible and stated purpose is to find solutions to the problem of cancer and disease, it is being done by independent researchers. However, the publication of their results has heretofore garnered only popular notice. The need exists for rigorous scientific methodology in formally establishing Rife's discovery. But the reality of the basic effect is unquestionable