Billie> We are all different so let me respond with my experiences.
You make it sound like you were unaware of the neuropathy until the Dr. told you. My neuropathy has been developing for 9 years. A new quack insisted on a $3600 nerve conduction test to varify I had it. Don't you love doctors?
My neuropathy started in the left foot & toes, moved to the right foot, same area. Then through the years it numbed my feet until the last 2-3 years when it moved up my legs. The worst thing for me was numb ankles !!!!!
I can only imagin how this will feel in the knees!
I took neurotin for a very short period, it really messed up my head and gave me super hearing. I get flashbacks of this from time to time.
I have seen on TV attorneys advertising for people who have taken neurotin, I think it is because of a sucide side effect.
Here is the latest thing I have found that helps. I have had two doctors suggest I stop a particular high blood pressure medicine and get on vitamin theraphy.
It has helped!
I inject myself with b12 once a week and take b1 orally.
I have less pain and think I can feel a little on the bottom of my feet. They hurt more now but don't know if that is from improving nerves. Most of my feet are beyound pain so to feel anything is a suprise.
My suggestion is to force yourself to walk or do something with your legs.
I had the worst conduction my neurologist had ever seen and said I should not be walking. BTW - if you saw me you would not know anything was wrong with me.
I have worked out and been active for the last 40 years, the speculatin is that this is what has me to adapt to the neuropathy and walk.
My simple explination is that what allows me to walk is tha pain. With the pain I think I know where my feet are.
Oh yeah I don't take any drugs for the neuropathy. I can block most of the pain with my mind but I really crave asprin which is a blood thinner and can't take that.
I respond to asprin very well and it has proven to me that much of my pain and tingling is probably inflimation of the nerves.
Good luck with your fight.