My father has been told that he got
Gallstones with 1 really big ones and few small ones. Last week or so he was warded for acute cholecystitis & pheumonia and is recovering now. Now is already back home but in very weak conditions.
Now for my questions:
1) In such weak conditions after acute cholecystitis & pheumonia, is he suitable for cleanse.
2) Acute cholecystitis is likely cause by stuck gallstones, can cleanse/flush do any good or can it be done.
3) Since most men will usually get mixed/calcium stones which likey to be calcified, will GCC or any other herbs do any good and can cleanse/flush method works.
4) Since acute cholecystitis has occur, is surgical the only way and is it needed immeadialy but he still in such weak condition.
Please advice. Thanks in advance.