Maddie, I've now done 9 flushes and too have cut down on the epsoms salts just because they are so horrible and I must be on
Epsom Salt overload, your flush sounded like a good one, my last flush I didn't get anything out but I must of because I feel better, I don't get any big ones anymore and some of them were the size of my thumb, silly but yes I miss getting out the big ones too. The big ones stopped after they starting turning really dark. I wondered too if it was because of the lessened
Epsom Salts but I still feel much better after a flush anyway. I think my total count maybe between 200-300 sounds meager to some people's count.
I have another question if I may, my sister has colitis and she is going to start bowel cleansing, we have read alot but have you got any advise on the subject, have you bowel cleansed? do you do anything to calm down your colitis before
Liver Flushing and anything else you may think will help, thank you Good luck with your flushing Shell