Sorry to hear about your condition. I am 24 and have been dealing with severe UC for three years now. From what I am understading from your message you are looking for alternative healing methods. I've heard various things about some of them, but I would just caution you to be very careful. Some of these cost a lot of money and don't perform nearly as well as they claim to, not to mention that this disease can get very nasty if not treated properly. My mother (a nurse) has her Master's in alternative medicine, and even she agrees that traditional medicine needs to be a part of the treatment. The risks of something bad happening are just too great.
Currently, I am taking 6MP (mercaptopurine), which is a chemotherapy drug used to suppress the immune system. It is still experimental in its use for UC and the side effects aren't necessarily pretty (I'm losing a good bit of my hair), but it has been working for me in addition to the Asacol that I take as well. My flare-ups have been less frequent, and I rarely have bleeding.
Please just read all the information that's out there, get lots of opinions from different sources and pay very close attention to your body's reaction.
Good Luck!