As I've mentioned in past posts, I've done Gylconutrients for a yr now. A post from a few days ago asked how I was doing so I thought I'd give my "list". :)
I can eat eggs, baked goods that have milk/butter in them, enjoy spaghetti sauce, eat some fried foods (must be very careful with fried), amongst other foods.
I have STOPPED using gaviscon daily!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have stopped all anti-inflamitories with no problems. I take a very low dose of balck walnut hull to deal with stiffness and pain from arthritis. Before glyco & walnut I couldn't hold a pen for writting, pick up a piece of paper and had completely lost my dexterity. NOW I PICKED UP QUILTING!!! BY HAND!!!!! I just love that. I can write with regular size pens/pencils again. I don't have glass shards in my feet when I wake up. I actually bought the 2nd pair of shoes I tried on!!!!! That NEVER happens!!!!!!!! My knee pain is almost completely stopped. My bone spurs in my heels don't bother me as much. And as of the last x-rays I have no joint damage at all!
I have STOPPED using the steroid inhailor for asthma.
I have STOPPED using my rescue inhailor daily. (yipee!!!)
The only allergy problems I had this summer were those few weeks those stupid ornimental grasses went to seed. SO no my antihistimines!!!!!!!! And not more flonase nasal spray either!!!!
Recently I was able to tolerate being in the same area as a cat, AND STILL BREATHED!!!!! (before breathing just stopped around cats)
My energy levels have increased. I can do several things a day instead of one or two!
I exercise now, not possible in the past. And I've gone back to walking daily!!! I can't tell you how much I;ve missed that!
As for my eyes. I've been wearing my contacts for over 3 yrs now, and no problems!!! And my night vision has vastly improved. Before I wouldn't regulate to the lower light levels, now I do.
My tendenitis is better, and flair ups are infrequent at best.
Acne has improved.
I have regular periods. That's a biggie since I have PCOS.
Meds I take actually work in the lower doses! No more mega doses to get the relief needed!!! Still, I look forward to being off meds altogether, but one baby step at a time!
And I now can see positives before negatives. That huge!!!
And my memory is starting to improve! I can actually recall something still in the short term memory storage! That's been a bad problem for me.
I can wash my clothes in the machine.
I can tolerate being around fragrences without my breathing coming to an abrupt halt.
Basically, my world was a dark hole where I often wondered if I;d make it past the next yr. 30 definately wasn't in the offering. Now I can again dream of being a mother! I can get up and enjoy the morning. I can keep my house clean and bake good thing to eat! I can enjoy my crafts and sewing without exhaustion setting in. I don't have to plan my days around what one activity I had to do. I don't have to worry about my asthma being problematic if I walk into someone elses home. I can once again recall things from recent memory. I missed that!! I have hope now, where before there was just nothing. Glyconutrients were what I needed to get my body to work again! There's nothing in the world like have your entire body shutting down, but the doc's call you a hypochondriac. My husband and I lived in daily fear of what would stop next. When would my organs start shutting off too? A yr later I marvel at the fact that I had the flu and was over it in 3 days! My last cold lasted 2 days! I'm not completely back to full health, but I'm 75% there. I know for many 75% seems to be awful, but foe me it's a miricle.
God bless all.