Hi Sleepygal,
My son was also diagnosed with Autism 6 months ago. He is now 3 years old and 1 month.
I cannot comment on the workings of A*****ose but I can tell you what route we followed since his diagnosing. And in my opinion he is fast on the way to a full recovery.
We did a few things that I will list that worked for us:
1. We took him to a homeopath that immediately detoxed his MMR vaccination. Within a few days a boy who had regressed badly, did not talk, had repetitive behaviour, had no eye contact and zere social skills, began to make a tremendous improvement. Suddenly the smile was back like when he was a baby boy, he started to run again, talk again.
He has been on homepathic treatment ever since and is gradually making an improvemnt day by day.
2. We invested in a high level water filter to filter for metal toxins in the water.
3. We started with speech therapy, 2 sessions a week.
4. We started with horse riding therapy sessions, 2 a week. Since he has started this 2 months ago he has improved immensely.
5. Remedial therapy once every 2 weeks.
6. and lots of love
While it will be difficult to say what weight each action has on his steady recovery I belive that the homeopath saved his and our lives.
He is now a happy little boy, steadily making progress with his speech, with hundreds of words where he had maybe 10 words 6 months ago. He is more socially active and makes very good eye contact. We will enroll him into a normal kindergarden next month.
It chills my blood to think that the Doctor who has diagnosed him said that he will have to be go to a special school and we will have to look after him for the rest of our life. He could not be more wrong. How many more children did he send to special schools who could be treated?
I truly believe that there are many of these children who has an illness or has been afflicted by a vaccination, they feel very bad every day of their lives but they cannot tell us, and they start to revert into themselves thinking 'hey, this is life".
While there are of course still work to be done with our little boy, I believe he is definetaly not autistic anymore. This view is shared by both his speech and remedial therapist and another child psychiatrist.
Good luck!