I was lifting weights, power cleans, when I damaged the disks in my lower back in 1988. Years later and 2 surgeries(1990 & 1996)I felt old. Chiropractor in 2003 hurt me with alot of twisting. I had to quit. Shortly after that I started back bridging in 2004.
It's been a miricle to me. I haven't posted anything because I wondered what long term effects would be. 2 years of bridging later, and It seems my back just keeps getting better.
Here's a better link for a summary on the back bridge and Matt Furey's stuff.
He's pricey but he really knows what he's talking about on most stuff. I've bee doing Combat Conditioning for 2 years, to me it's quick and effective. Wish I new about it when I was 15. I'm almost 41 and i have to reallize it. If i don't mix up my exercises and rest my joints they give out, shoulders, back, elbows, knees etc...
C:\Documents and Settings\Michael K\My Documents\MikesJunk\matt furey downloads\mahler19.htm
hope this helps