Who is the author of the above post?
Is it me? I certainly don't remember doing it, but I did go by the name Cuddy a few times, probably to separate the clutter of my past writings.
They are here now, they will see you in 2012, more or less.
It is space and water and time , flowing thru our bodies that makes us recognise crop circles as something we are familiar with
These are the final years before change
Just hang on for a few more years okay? We may experience some pain, but remember that pain is not suffering unless we react to the pain "with suffering".
Change is always difficult, we know that from experience. Form and shape must be manipulated to become the communicative form, and it takes energy to chage.
It takes energy to change.
Sorry, thats not easy to understand, I am just writing from intuition here.
good luck, it won't be too too long now, it just seems that way when we are standing in line...
2012 210 345 567 789