There is a direct correlation between becomming more observant of your experiences and surroundings, and developing a higher awareness of self and reality.
Every person has the capacity to connect with out of body, conscious energies. This connection is possible for everyone because it is simply already occuring in your life. A lot of us here seem to be highly observant personalities, and I speak only from a standpoint of certain ignorance of other's experiences and a desire to pass information.
Possibly one of the greatest factors in becomming aware of contact, at least one that I have found for myself, is the realization: consciousness=electricity. This realzation carries importance in that it lowers the preconceived expectations of the individual in regards to spirituality.
In a lot of ways, our current society - the way we think in general - has very unrealistic expectations in regards to thinking about spiritualality. This psychology I think stems from our fundamentalist and dogmatic religious beliefs - beliefs which were clearly developed before our current understandings of physics and human biology (which are scientifically tested and based on provable facts).
Because these expectations are so high and so different from what is actually occuring in reality, we overlook them completely for the most part. I think we will get to the point in our evolution (very soon) in which "death" will no longer be an obstacle for contact and communication.
Most current and widely believed belief systems suggest that heaven is some far of, unattainible / unreachable place seperated from "physical" reality. The truth is there is more data being experienced by human beings today that suggests otherwise. But since this data does not fit into the current popular ways of thinking within our society, it is looked down upon, feared, and labled as "Satanic" or "occultist".
Many people regard an out of body conscious energy to that of a humanoid looking ghost. But there is no reasoning or data that suggests that this is in fact the case. Energy, in its true essence, is not visible in a material sense and it is formless. A doctor that performs surgery on a huan being will not see a humanoid energy essence - so why should most of us expect to see one?
These energies are always around us. All we have to do is open our minds to them and we can make contact. The migraine state is also allowing many of us to perceive the higher frequencies of reality - those that are out of body exist in as these higher frequencies. Heaven is not a place, it is a frequency. Tune in.