What does a child of God eat when removed from the garden??? They were to be vegitarians, as it was decreed by the Lord. The man was a farmer. His work would not benifit from the power of the land. If he could kill his own brother then it is not a great leap to presume that he could kill an animal. If not meat then wild growth from a cursed ground. He could have traded meat for plants, or he would be reduced to beg for his food. But he was afraid that he would be killed, and not by an animal, because one cannot be a fugitive, but from other men. So it would seem that old Cain had to come up with some clever plan, for his very survival.
In a patriarchial system the names of woman have no relevance but to aid in revealing the hidden Truth, so it is possible that he took a sister as his wife, though highly improbable. As a child of God, his genetic structure had to be far superior to that of existing humans. His knowledge would have also been greater than these others, as he was a direct descendant of Adam, who was the perfect man, having knowledge of God. So it seems to me that these attributes would have given him a great advantage in winning the hearts and minds of those that would kill him. Let us not forget the sign placed on Cain by God, that promised horrendous punishment on any that dared to kill him.
The mainstream Church has the family of the first perfect man as vengeful blood thirsty killers, regardless of the extremely harsh punishment on Cain. Do you mean to tell me that these family members would have no fear of the same, being exacted on them??? Not to mention the fact that they would had to have disagreed with the Lord's judgement, in that it was not severe enough. Still, one would have to place the very geography of the families in question, that would kill him. Why weren't they living in the face of God??? The Churches have become fools. They want your money and your loyalty, not to mention God's glory.
As to my Church, let us leave that a mystery until you have been healed of your hardened heart. Only then will you be capable of accepting God's glorious Truth.
The Scriptures state God's word according to the creation of Adam and Eve, as follows
"Let us create man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the Earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.
So God created Man in his own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them"
Hmmm!!! Two back to back accounts of the same event??? Me thinks not. And discrepencies to boot!!!
Who is "us"??? Well it couldn't be the Holy Spirit of the trinity, as that is merely the power of God, not a person to speak with. It is not The son of the trinity, as He doesn't need to be given permission from Himself, because He is really the Father who sent Him.
"us" is The body of Holy angels, of which Michael was the head of {thus the title of Arch Angel} who through the power of God, allowed them to create physical Mankind. Do you really think that God would give us dopes the power to procreate, and leave His Angels out of the loop??? Please!!!
Then the Scriptures go on to say that "God created Man in His own Image; in the image of God He created them"
Why the discrepency??? Where are the others??? No Son??? no Holy Spirit??? Why the redundancy??? Are we that stupid??? So it would seem!!!
The path to the True Church is in recognizing the false church. But you better get busy because that Great City Babylon is under a curse from God that will leave it in utter ruin in one and a half years. Anyone who enters into this false Church will be denied the priviledge of everlasting life, in The Kingdom of God on Earth, unless they heed the Lord's warning and come out of her{there is that female designation again, just like in proverbs 8 eh beej?}
I'll tell you what, why don't you offer whAt your Church has to offer, in the way of deep truths and we shall see what we shall see. I look forward to it
God bless ya bud, Mr. Steve