Like you I have "leaky gut" what a bummer! None of the 22 doctors had a clue as to what was wrong with me. So I had to figure it out on my own.The fact is I have candida and have been trying to kill it but the very supplements that can kill the yeast I'm alergic to.
So instead of killing the yeast with supplements I'm going to starve it and focus on the leaky guy. It's my recent understanding that you can heal the gut with Methylsulfonylmenthane or as it's known "MSM" also very important is 1500mg of L-Glutamine daily. As I understand it these supplements creat a barier and heal the intestin lining so food particles won't pass through.Once sealed you can take what supplements you need to heal.Additionally, I understand it can take about 6-7 months to heal. So relax and take comfort your in good company. Like a friend told me once "I don't know anybody that isn't messed up". Good luck and may God bless you!